Chord Charts
Written and recorded by worship leaders from six different Tucson area congregations, City Psalms Four is a unified appeal to God for His movement in our city. Our songwriters and musicians spent over three years working on the material for this album. The process helped cultivate a camaraderie between key ministries which is producing an impact beyond the music itself. City Psalms Four was inspired by our love for this city we call home and the promise that God has made His home with us. He is with us; in our hearts and also active in our community. This album is a declaration that Jesus has come to bring life and light into our city. His presence in our community means we no longer need to pursue darkness and a culture of death. His victory over hopelessness and the grave is great news for EVERYONE.
Songwriters and Musicians
Praise in the Wilderness
City of the wounded souls
Marching down its dusty roads
Crying out for something
That'll ease a broken heart, Lord come
Valley of the shadow of death
Painted on the faces of men
Looking for an answer
To the fast approaching grave, Lord come
Praise in the wilderness, a song in the sun
One we will carry here wherever we run
This is our confidence in all that we face
The Lord of the wilderness has made a way
A hero to a hopeless land
A ransom for the captive man
Carrying your cross
You defeated death for us, You’ve come
Pillar of fire bringing light to the darkness
Jesus you are the way
Pillar of cloud for the heat of the day
Jesus you are the way
© 2020 City Psalms S. Stone/ ASCAP/ B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ C. Hamlin/ BMI / P. Cain/ BMI
Desert Blooms
Thorns on the ground tell of the curse
But grace in every desert bloom
Hearts long for forgiveness like the dry Santa Cruz
And mercy coming like the monsoons
Water filling every river
Banks are overflowing
We want to feel the same thing
Spirit, come down from the Father
Testify of Jesus
The love of God descending
Coming like the monsoons
Beautiful as desert blooms
Thorns from the ground become the Savior’s crown
As Jesus becomes our curse
No longer do we labor and toil with this earth
For on the cross He finished the work
The love of God descend
Fill to overflowing
© 2020 City Psalms S. Stone/ ASCAP/ C. Hamlin/
BMI / B. Goodall/ ASCAP/P. Cain/ BMI
You’re The One who holds us
You’re The One who sees
To the lost and wandering
God of Rescuing
We were all once scattered here like ashes in the wind
Transient and drifting, in You we all fit in
Just to know You are here changes everything
‘Cause when You’re near we are home
You bring us all together
Christ, our unity
In You we all belong
You are here
Just to know You are here changes everything
‘Cause when You’re near we are home
To see You move in our town changes everything
‘Cause when You’re near we are home!
© 2020 City Psalms C. Hamlin/ BMI / B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ S. Stone/ ASCAP/ P. Cain/ BMI
God With Us
Moving through our city streets
Even while we pause to sleep
Working in the lives we meet
Fitting us with Gospel feet
In the darkness Your light is
coming through, You are here
In the shadows Your light is
coming through, You are here
You are with us
You are with us
Breathing life into the dust
Hope has come, God with us
Near the ones running away
Close to those hiding in shame
In the calm and disarray
In the joy and in the pain
You are our peace
You are our strength
In you we trust with everything
You are our joy
You are our life
Your Spirit moves and so we sing
Breathing life into the dust
You give new hope to all You touch
You have come… God with us
In the way we love the least
In the midst of mercy deeds
In the times we need to speak
Guided by humility
Guided by humility
© 2020 City Psalms P. Cain/ BMI / B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ C. Hamlin/ BMI / S. Stone/ ASCAP
To You Only
You are God from the beginning to the end
The One who reigns from mountains to the desert sand
You're a River bringing hope into this land
You're the Only One
Hallelujah to the King
Hallelujah for eternity
Hallelujah we will sing
Hallelujah to You Only
You’re the God who spoke creation into form
The only One who breathed a word and life was formed
To You God we sing forever we are yours
You’re the only One
And now the cross reveals Your love for everyone
The empty tomb declares new life for all has come
And now the cross cries out Hope for every soul
The empty tomb proclaims Good News for all!
© 2020 City Psalms C. Hamlin/ BMI / B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ S. Stone/ ASCAP/ P. Cain/ BMI
Hallelujah to the King
Hallelujah for eternity
Hallelujah we will sing
Hallelujah to You Only
© 2020 City Psalms C. Hamlin/ BMI / B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ S. Stone/ ASCAP/ P. Cain/ BMI
Beautiful Communion
We remember your life laid down
The blood of God pooling on the ground
In your death our life is found, a beautiful communion
This is your body the bread of life
This is the blood of the sacrifice
This is the way to eternal life and beautiful communion
It’s a beautiful communion
You drank the bitter cup for me
So this beautiful communion would be sweet
Raise a cup to the Son of Man
Still bearing holes inside His hands
Tell the story again and again of beautiful communion
It’s a beautiful communion
You drank the bitter cup for me
So this beautiful communion would be sweet
It’s a beautiful communion
To celebrate the life you gave
Now we’re walking in communion day by day
Proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes
Tell of the wonders that He has done
Sinners condemned and guilty find our pardon at Calvary
Liberated so we can sing of beautiful communion
© 2020 City Psalms S. Stone/ ASCAP/ B. Goodall/
ASCAP/ C. Hamlin/ BMI / P. Cain/ BMI
Reveal Yourself, speak through Your Word
We will not rebel, we won’t turn away
Reveal Your heart, stir in our souls
We give you control, come have Your way
We’ve come here Lord seeking your will
Give us the mind of Christ, to walk in your ways
Your words are true, reviving the soul
We give you control, come have Your way
Will You do something here, Lord
That has never been done before
Do something here, Lord
That has never been done before
We don’t have the vision to see it
But we want to be Your hands and feet
We don’t have the vision to see it
But we want to go where You will lead
Illuminate the way
© 2020 City Psalms B. Goodall/ ASCAP/ C. Hood/ BMI/ M. Almeroth/ BMI/ S. Stone/ ASCAP/ P. Cain/ BMI/ C. Hamlin/ BMI
The Kingdom and the Grave
In this hardened ground
You're sinking through and hope is found
As life is rising
In this cryptic heart
You're reaching each and every part
And life is rising, life is rising
You will never stop until the curse is done away
Your Kingdom is advancing
By the strength within Your name
Two thousand years ago
You broke the power of the grave
You will never stop until the curse is done away
In this border town
You're breaking every barrier down
Now life is rising, life is rising
Death's long, violent reign
Lost control when you were slain
Now we are rising, we are rising up
You will never stop until the curse is done away
Your Kingdom is advancing
By the strength within Your name
Two thousand years ago
You broke the power of the grave
You will never stop until the curse is done away
We will never stop until the curse is done away
We will keep advancing
By the strength within Your name
Two thousand years ago
You broke the power of the grave
We will never stop until the curse is done away
Done away
© 2020 City Psalms B. Goodall/ ASCAP/ P. Cain/
BMI / C. Hamlin/ BMI / S. Stone/ ASCAP/