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Tucson gets its name from its first inhabitants—the Tohono O’odham people—who called this area Cuk-Ṣon, meaning “at the base of black mountain.” Likely centered around a spring that once flowed freely from the foot of Sentinel Peak, and certainly centered around the once-lush Rio Santa Cruz (“Holy Cross River”), O’odham life has been indigenous to our beloved region for over 4,000 years.


More recently—in another desert landscape—the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel painted a startling portrait of God’s presence arriving in His temple with “the sound of rushing waters.” A great River began flowing outward from His dwelling place, and life flourished each place the River flowed. Dead things were renewed and trees teemed with fruit. And in the final scene of our Bible, John the Revelator revisited this theme, depicting a River of Life flowing out of His holy city causing trees to grow whose leaves were, “for the healing of the nations.”


Closest to home, because of the reconciling work of Jesus, our very selves have been called temples of His Holy Spirit. May we also, like Ezekiel’s temple, flow with living water for our community. May these songs assist in breaking down the hard ground of our hearts, in acknowledging the wounds we’ve received and given. May they help in the lamenting and confessing that are the necessary precursors to reconciliation. And may His Spirit flow right through the homes, schools, parks, and businesses of our beloved city.

Songwriters and Musicians


God of Grace and Mercy

(EXODUS 34:5–7; ISAIAH 61:1)

God of grace and mercy
God of steadfast love
God of truth and justice
There is none above

You heal the brokenhearted
You set the captive free
God of grace and mercy
Ever over me

© 2023 City Psalms  M. Almeroth / BMI

The River and the Temple

(EZEKIEL 47:1–12; EPHESIANS 2:21; REVELATION 22:1–6)

There's a River that flows
From the temple of living stones
Pouring out of His throne
Within me

Overflow, let the old things go
Let the Spirit grow and grow

And may it flow out from the temple
May it flow beyond the steps
May it flow out in the desert
Bringing life where there is death
And may it flow out like a fountain
May it flow to every seed
May we grow as trees of righteousness
With healing in our leaves

There's a River that flows
From the temple of living stones
Pouring out of His throne
Within me

Overflow, let the old things go
Let the Spirit grow and grow

And may it flow out from the temple
May it flow beyond the steps
May it flow out in the desert
Bringing life where there is death
And may it flow out like a fountain
May it flow to every seed
May we grow as trees of righteousness
With healing in our leaves

And may our gates ever be open
May the nations walk in light
May they taste the Living Water
May they seek You, Lord, and find
And may we raise the name of Jesus
For Your name is Faithful and True
For behold, our King is coming
Making all things new

There's a River that flows
From the temple of living stones
Pouring out of His throne
Within me

© 2023 City Psalms  C. Hood / BMI / B. Goodall /

ASCAP / M. Almeroth / BMI

We Are Yours

(1 CORINTHIANS 6:19–20; ROMANS 2:4)

I am Your temple
My heart's Your home
Your blood the payment
My life, Your own
I am Your temple
My flesh and bone
My life belongs to You alone

We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You

Drawn in by kindness
We all have come
Remade in mercy
Sent out in love
Drawn in by kindness
Remade as one
That we would be
Your kingdom come

We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You

You're making temples
Each place You come
And naming strangers
Daughter and son
You're making temples
Each place You come
And calling out to everyone

We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You
We are Yours, we belong to You

I am Your temple
My heart's Your home
My life belongs to You alone

© 2023 City Psalms  B. Goodall / ASCAP / C. Hood /

BMI / M. Almeroth / BMI


In Tucson As It Is In Heaven

(ISAIAH 62:1–2  I  MATTHEW 6:10)

If we look around, Lord we can see You
If we listen well, Lord we can hear You
These veils within our hearts are torn
Will You enter in? Will You draw us out, Lord
We want to be Your movement here

For our city's hope we won't be silent
For our city's sake we won't keep still
Until her goodness shouts Your name
Her salvation grows like a burning flame
And others see Your movement here

So may we not be called abandoned
May we not be called forgotten
We want to be Your delight

So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven

For Your city's hope we won't be silent
For Your city's sake we won't keep still
Until her goodness shouts Your name
Her salvation grows like a burning flame
And others see Your movement here

So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven

And may we not be called abandoned
May we not be called forgotten
We want to be Your delight

So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
So come, let Your kingdom come
In Tucson as it is in heaven
In Tucson as it is in heaven
In Tucson as it is

© 2023 City Psalms  C. Cherry II / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP / T. Williams / BMI / M. Almeroth / BMI /

C. Hood / BMI

Teach Us To Pray

(LUKE 11:1; ROMANS 8:26–27)

Do we pray for rain
Do we pray for revival
Or pray Your fire will fall
Do we pray for a change
In our circumstance
Or the strength to endure it all

Teach us to pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord
Holy Spirit, pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord

Do we pray for patience
Do we pray for healing
Or strength to change what we can
Do we pray You take away
All our pain
Or trust that it's all from Your hand

Teach us to pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord
Holy Spirit, pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord

Holy Spirit with us now
We will bow, we will bow
All our hopes and all our fears
We lay them down, lay them down
Holy Spirit with us now
We will bow, we will bow
All our hopes and all our fears
We lay them down, lay them down

Teach us to pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord
Holy Spirit, pray
When we don't know what to say
When we don't know what to say, oh Lord

© 2023 City Psalms  S. Stone / ASCAP / C. Hood /

BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP / M. Almeroth / BMI

Friends and Enemies

(MATTHEW 5:43–48, LUKE 6:27–28)

Oh my friends, oh my enemies
Oh my friends, oh my enemies

May the Lord bless you with love and grace
May the Lord keep all your loved ones safe
May the Lord fill up your heart with hope
May He guard you and keep you
From all that would darken your soul

Oh my friends, oh my enemies
Oh my friends, oh my enemies

May the Lord bless you with love and grace
May the Lord keep all your loved ones safe
May the Lord fill up your heart with hope
May He guard you and keep you
From all that would darken your soul

Oh my friends, oh my enemies
Oh my friends, oh my enemies
Oh my friends, oh my enemies
Oh my friends, oh my enemies

© 2023 City Psalms  M. Almeroth / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP / C. Hood / BMI

What I Believe (Forgive Me)

(MARK 9:33–37; LUKE 6:37)

Do I bend to wash your feet
Or do I take the judge's seat
Am I known for how I love
Or am I known for who I'm disapproving of

Do I lay down my life
Or am I claiming all my rights
Am I taking up my cross
To help you carry yours when days are long

Forgive me, I don't live what I believe
Forgive me, I don't live what I believe

Are you last? Have I been first
Do I act like it was earned
Is it all a gift of grace
Or is that just a thing that we all say

Forgive me, I don't live what I believe
Forgive me, I don't live what I believe
Lord, we sing, let us live what we believe
Lord, we sing, let us live what we believe


© 2023 City Psalms  C. Hood / BMI / M.

Almeroth / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP

Have Mercy

(PSALM 51; ROMANS 2:1–4)

Have mercy, Lord
For you have seen my heart
The sins I know and those I cannot see
Have mercy, Lord
Because of Your great love
Deliverer, my guilt is over me

Cast me not away
Restore me, Lord

Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy

Have mercy, Lord
For You have seen our hearts
We claim Your name
But hate each other
Have mercy, Lord
For we have gone astray
We save ourselves
And look the other way

Cast us not away
Restore us, Lord

Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy

Sinners all and sinners still
We come to You, Lord have Your will
Oh, hear our cry, God
Here before You
Hear our cry, God we are Yours

Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Have mercy on me
Lord have mercy

© 2023 City Psalms  M. Almeroth / BMI / C.

Hood / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP


(REVELATION 4:1–11; EPHESIANS 3:16–19)

Holy, Holy, You are Holy
None can match Your love, Your glory
Holy, Holy, You are Holy
None can match Your grace
Or contain the measure of
The height, the depth of Your great love
The distance You have come for us
Holy, Holy, You are Holy
There is none above


© 2023 City Psalms  M. Almeroth / BMI / C.

Hood / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP

Oh How Long, Oh How Wide

(ROMANS 8:38–39; ISAIAH 30:15)

Oh how long, oh how wide
Oh how strong and oh how high
Oh how deep, flows His peace
Far beneath what we can see

There's no height, there's no depth
There's no fear and no regret
There's no shadow strong enough
To keep us from His love

So let go and rest
Come home and rest
In quiet and trust is our salvation

Oh how long, oh how wide
Oh how strong and oh how high
Oh how deep, flows His peace
Far beneath what we can see

There's no height, there's no depth
There's no fear and no regret
There's no shadow strong enough
To keep us from His love

So let go and rest
Come home and rest
In quiet and trust is our salvation

Let go and rest
Come home and rest
In quiet and trust is our salvation

There's no height, there's no depth
There's no fear and no regret
There's no shadow strong enough
To keep us from His love

© 2023 City Psalms  C. Hood / BMI / M.

Almeroth / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP

The Mercy of God (Oh How Free)

(ROMANS 3:23; MATTHEW 5:7)

We confess we all are sinners
Each one a sinner, everyone
We have sinned, been sinned against
Each one a sinner, everyone

The mercy, the mercy, the mercy of God on us

We've been hurt, we've hurt our brother
We hurt each other, everyone
And we confess to every sister
Each time we've dismissed her, everyone

The mercy, the mercy, the mercy of God on us

Oh how free, how generous Your mercy
Oh how free, how generous Your mercy
The river of Your mercy flowing to us
The river of Your mercy flowing through us
The river of Your mercy flowing to us
The river of Your mercy flowing through us
Oh how free, how generous your mercy


© 2023 City Psalms  B. Goodall / ASCAP / M.

Almeroth / BMI / C. Hood / BMI

Will They Know We Are Christians?

(JOHN 13:34; 17:20–23)

Are we one in the Spirit?

Are we one in the Lord?

Do we pray that all unity 

May one day be restored?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

By our love?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

Will we walk with each other?

Will we walk hand and hand?

And together go spread the news

That God is in our land?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

By our love?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

Will we work with each other?
Will we work side by side?
Will we guard each one's dignity

And save each one's pride?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

By our love?

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

They will know we are Christians by our love!


© 1966, F.E.L. Publications P. Scholtes / ASCAP and

2023 City Psalms  M. Almeroth / BMI / C. Hood /

BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP

In Your Light

(PSALM 36:9)

In Your light we see light
In Your light we see light

How do we know what love is like
How do we know what love is like
How do we know what love is like
How do we know what love is like

You heal the brokenhearted
You set the captive free

Oh how sweet, how generous Your mercy

Oh how long, oh how wide
Oh how strong and oh how high
Oh how deep, flows His peace
Far beneath what we can see

River of Your mercy flowing to us
River of Your mercy flowing through us

How do we know what love is like

In Your light we see light

God of grace and mercy
God of steadfast love
God of truth and justice
There is none above
You heal the brokenhearted
You set the captive free
God of grace and mercy
Ever over me


© 2023 City Psalms  C. Hood / BMI / M.

Almeroth / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP

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